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                                瀏覽次數(shù):13747 發(fā)布日期:2012-2-21  來源:本站 僅供參考,謝絕轉載,否則責任自負








                                一、 (SCI) 基本知識

                                二、Impact factor (IF) 基本知識



                                1、    標題(Title)

                                2、    摘要(Abstract)

                                3、    導言(Introduction)

                                4、    實驗和方法(Experiments and methods)

                                5、    結果(Results)

                                6、    討論(Discussion)

                                7、    致謝(Acknowledgements)

                                8、    參考文獻(References)

                                9、    圖說明(Figure Legends)

                                一、 (SCI)基本知識

                                1、科學引文索引(, SCI)




                                1965年,在一篇經(jīng)典論文中,Derek J. de SollaPrice闡述了SCI作為科學論文網(wǎng)絡的內(nèi)在特征。當互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上開始公布SCI時,引用和被引用之間呈動態(tài)關系。1972年,社會科學引文索引成為首批加載到對話系統(tǒng)中的數(shù)據(jù)庫之一。隨著CD- ROM的發(fā)展,網(wǎng)絡和論文檢索之間的連接變得更加緊密,通過使用書目耦合(M. M.Kessler)即能夠查找所需相關的記錄。1973年,HenrySmall的關于聯(lián)席引文分析的經(jīng)典著作出版,聯(lián)席引文分析是一個自我組織的分類系統(tǒng),其引領了文檔聚類實驗,并最終形成科學圖集,即后來所謂的科學研究評論。


                                1965年, Drexel 大學的RalphGarner闡述了學術論文的內(nèi)在特征與全球引文網(wǎng)絡固有的圖形拓撲性質(zhì)。19世紀前期,通過引用計量將期刊進行分類,現(xiàn)行的科學期刊系統(tǒng)計量方法是由科學信息研究所的EugeneGarfield開創(chuàng)的針對科技期刊的一種測量系統(tǒng),通過引文數(shù)來排名期刊,同時率先通過使用這些計量方法將作者和論文進行排名。1965年,在一份具有里程碑意義的論文中,Garfield和IrvingSher通過對一系列諾貝爾及其他獎項論文進行研究后,闡述了引文頻次與卓越性之間的相關性,例如,諾貝爾獎獲得者發(fā)表論文數(shù)量5倍于平均水平,并且他們的論文被引用頻率也是平均水平的30至50倍。影響因子是常用的衡量期刊影響力的方法,某期刊前兩年所有文章被引用的次數(shù)除以前兩年該期刊所有文章數(shù)量即為這年該期刊的影響因子。由于特定目的,該種衡量方式被廣泛使用,但單獨通過這種方法對作者或論文進行排名,還具有一定的爭議性。

                                1964年,在關于DNA發(fā)展的早期研究中,通過引文分析,Garfield和Sher開始史料編纂法的研發(fā)工作,是科學歷史上最重要的歷程。這項工作后來由E.Garfield,海洋生物學研究所的A. I.Pudovkin、俄羅斯科學院、教學中心、伊斯托明和華盛頓州立大學展開,并在2002年成功開發(fā)了HistCite軟件。

                                1998年,Giles,Lawrence和Bollacker推出獨立引文索引,并啟用針對任何數(shù)字學術和科學文獻引用的自動提取與組合算法。以往的引文是一個手動過程,并且只提供給那些特定的組織使用,如中央情報局。而現(xiàn)在,普通用戶也可以通過電腦進行任何學術領域、科學領域、文獻領域的引文萃取,這致使需要建立新的公共系統(tǒng)和自動引文索引,最早的自動引文索引是CiteSeer(其后為CiteSeerX,Cora),最新為Rexa。這些自動引文索引主要集中在計算機和信息科學領域,但都被后來大規(guī)模的學術網(wǎng)域引文系統(tǒng)替代,如谷歌學術和以前的微軟學術。經(jīng)過仔細的抽樣統(tǒng)計,這種自主引文索引存在約10%誤碼率,故其在引文聚類提取方面尚不完善。這就造成了諸如AnnArbor, Milton Keynes和WaltonHall等被誤認為具有大量的學術著作。同時,應該指出的是,SCI旨在通過純粹的程序方法甚至是以前的記載來創(chuàng)建自動引文索引的做法具有相似程度的誤差。


                                SCI期刊醫(yī)學論文主要組成部分:標題 (Title)、摘要 (Abstract)、導言 (Introduction)、實驗和方法(Experiments and methods)、結果 (Results)、討論 (Discussion)、致謝(Acknowledgements)、參考文獻 (References)、圖說明 (FigureLegends)等。各種SCI期刊對醫(yī)學論文主要組成部分稍有差異。











                                1、        SCI期刊醫(yī)學論文標題 (Title)






                                C1 inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via a directinteraction with lipopolysaccharide (From Journal ofImmunology).




                                C1 inhibitor-mediated protection from sepsis. (From Journal ofImmunology)

                                2、摘要 (Abstract)




                                C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is beneficial in animal models ofendotoxemia and sepsis. However, the mechanism(s) of C1INHprotection remain(s) ill-defined. (From Journal ofImmunology)



                                To further characterize the potential LPS-binding site(s)within the amino-terminal domain, mutations were introducedinto C1INH at the three N-linked glycosylation sites and at thefour positively charged amino acid residues. (From Infection andImmunity)



                                In this study, we demonstrated that both active C1INH andreactive center-cleaved, inactive C1INH protected mice fromlethal Gram-negative endotoxemia.  Both formsof C1INH blocked the LPS-binding protein-dependent binding ofSalmonella typhimuriumLPS to the murine macrophage cellline, RAW 264.7, and suppressed LPS-induced TNF-a mRNAexpression.  Inhibition of LPS binding to RAW264.7 cells was reversed with anti-C1INH Ab and was more efficientwhen C1INH was incubated first with LPS rather than with the cells.C1INH also suppressed LPS-induced up-regulation of TNF-a mRNA inwhole human blood.  The interaction of C1INHwith LPS was directly demonstrated both by ELISA and bynon-denaturing PAGE, but deletion of the amino-terminal 97-aaresidues abrogated this binding.  (From Journal ofImmunology)


                                In this study, we first identified that a cleaved fragmentwithin the major part of the amino-terminal domain in invitro proteolytic analysis of C1INH had an ability to bind toLPS.  We synthesized several peptides overlappingthe C1INH cleaved fragment.  Among these syntheticpeptides, a 13-mer derivative peptide at position from 18 to 30,named N2(18–30), exhibited the most powerful anti-endotoxinactivity in vitro, enlightening that it was most strong atbinding to LPS, inhibiting the interaction of LPS with LPS-bindingprotein (LBP), blocking LPS binding to CD14+ cells, andsuppressing production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a by murinemacrophages, RAW 264.7. In the murineendotoxin shock model, the peptide N2(18–30) protected micefrom LPS-induced lethal septic shock by inhibiting macrophageactivation.  (Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications)



                                Therefore, these studies demonstrate that C1INH, inaddition to its role in suppression of LPS-mediated macrophageactivation, may play an important role in the prevention ofLPS-mediated increased vascular permeability, endothelial cellinjury, and multiple organ failure.  (FromBlood)

                                3、導言 (Introduction)



                                標題是C1 inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via adirect interaction with lipopolysaccharide


                                第一段落:描述gram negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide的醫(yī)學生物學功能和它與Endotoxin shock的關系.


                                Lipopolysaccharide is a major constituent of the outermembrane of Gram-negative bacteria and is a key molecule in thepathogenesis of Gram-negative endotoxemia, sepsis, and septicshock (1).  Gram-negative endotoxemia isaccompanied by contact system activation, complement activation,production of cytokines, and other evidence of unregulatedinflammatory responses (2, 3).  LPS activatesmononuclear phagocytes to produce and release inflammatorymediators, of which TNF-a appears to be very important for thedevelopment of endotoxin shock (4). LPS interacts with theLPS-binding protein (LBP) (4) and transfers LPS to CD14 (5–8).  The formation of LPS-CD14 complexes initiatesintracellular signaling by binding to Toll-like receptors expressedon mononuclear phagocytes and other cells (9). When pure LPS or bacterial outer membrane fragments are injectedinto the bloodstream, a large fraction of the LPS is cleared by theliver within 10 min (10, 11), whereas most of the remaining LPSbinds rapidly to plasma proteins, such as lipoproteins, whichinhibit its biologic activity (12–15). (From Journal ofImmunology)

                                第二段落:描述已得出的結論即C1 inhibitor的醫(yī)學生物學功能和它與炎癥的關系。


                                C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is the only inhibitor of theclassical complement pathway proteases, C1r and C1s (16), and isthe major inhibitor of factor XII and prekallikrein of the contactsystem (17, 18).  The complement system has beenimplicated in both the pathogenesis of, and protection from,endotoxin shock (19). The contact system also appears toplay a role in the mediation of septic shock (20). Levels ofproteolytically inactivated C1INH are increased in fatal septicshock, which suggests an increased turnover and a relativesecondary deficiency of biologically active C1INH (21). C1INH canbe inactivated by limited proteolytic cleavage by elastase releasedfrom activated neutrophils (19, 22). The inactivation of C1INH mayoccur locally in inflamed tissue and thereby contribute toincreased local complement activation (22).  Thedirect biologic effects, if any, of inactivated C1INH remainunknown.  Therapy with C1INH has been shown toimprove outcome in several animal models of sepsis (19,23–27). In addition, preliminary data suggest that C1INH may havebeneficial effects in septic shock in humans(19).  (From Journal of Immunology)



                                In this study, we demonstrated that native, active C1INHand reactive center-cleaved, inactive C1INH (iC1INH) protected micefrom lethal Gram-negative endotoxemia.  Thisprotection was associated with inhibition of LPS-triggeredmacrophage expression of TNF-a mRNA. Furthermore, C1INH interactsdirectly with LPS, and this binding appears to be a function of theamino-terminal mucin domain of the protein. These data provideevidence that C1INH, in addition to its function as a serineprotease inhibitor, serves as an anti-inflammatory effector viathis new mechanism.  (From Journal ofImmunology)

                                4、實驗和方法 (Experiments and methods)


                                Quantification of F-actin pool by spectrofluorometry

                                F-actin in HUVECs was measured by spectrofluorometry asdescribed (Chakravortty et al.,2000).  HUVECs (1×105cells/well) were seeded in 12-well plates in 1ml of endothelialcell medium for 48 h. The cells were incubated with LPS (1 µg/ml)in the presence of iC1INH (100–150 mg/ml) or C1INH (100–150 µg/ml)for 6 h.  After washing in buffer A (75mM KCl, 3mMMgSO4, 1mM EGTA, 1mM imidazole, 0.2mM dithiothreitol, 10 µg/mlaprotinin, and 0.1mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride), the cells werefixed with 3.7% formaldehyde for 15 min.  Thecells were permeabilized with Buffer A containing 0.1%Triton X-100for 5 min, stained with N-phallicidin (0.3µmol) for 20 min, andextracted with methanol at −20 ◦C overnight. Extracts were harvested into cuvettes. Fluorescence was measured at a 465 nm excitation and 535 nmemission and expressed in arbitrary fluorescence units (AFU) permilligram of total cell protein. (From Molecular Immunology)



                                C1INH was obtained from Advanced Research Technologies (SanDiego, CA). LPS from Salmonella typhimurium, fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC)–conjugated LPS from Salmonellatyphimurium, Chicago sky blue dye 60B, and Evans blue dye werepurchased from Sigma Chemical (St Louis,MO).  The apoptotic DNA Ladder Kit waspurchased from Roche Diagnostics (Indianapolis,IN).  (From Blood)

                                5、結果 (Results)




                                The binding of LPS or LPA to LPS-binding proteins isdependent on the interaction of the phosphate groups on LPAwith specific positively charged residues within the protein (13,15, 22, 25, 33, 47, 49, 55). We previouslydemonstrated that in the case of C1INH both N-linkedglycosylation and its amino-terminal domain are required for itsinteraction with LPS (28, 29).  (Infection andImmunity)



                                To determine whether C1INH blocked LPS-inducedendothelial barrier disruption and plasma leakage, weinvestigated in vitro transendothelial flux in response to LPSin the presence and absence of C1INH.  (FromBlood)



                                C57BL/6J mice were injected with a lethal dose of LPS (20mg/kg), either in the presence or absence of C1INH (200µgintraperitoneally). Vascular permeability wasevaluated 5 hours after a lethal dose of LPS administration.Challenge with LPS resulted in approximately 10-, 5-, 2-,and 4-fold increases in the microvascular permeability index inlungs, heart, liver, and intestine, respectively. Treatment with C1INH resulted in significant reductions ofpermeability in the lung, heart, and intestine (Figure7).  (From Blood)



                                These studies indicate that C1INH suppresses LPS-inducedmicrovascular permeability in multiple organs. (From Blood)

                                6、討論 (Discussion)



                                當標題是C1 inhibitor prevents endotoxin shock via a directinteraction with lipopolysaccharide

                                當結果是(1) C1INH protection from lethal endotoxinshock;(2)C1INH blocks LPS binding to macrophages;(3)Interaction of C1INH with LPS; (4)The C1INHamino-terminal domain is responsible for the interaction withLPS.


                                第一段:主要描述C1INH和Endotoxin shock的關系



                                第四段:主要描述無生物學活性的C1INH和Endotoxin shock的關系




                                7、致謝 (Acknowledgements)


                                This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service GrantsHDXXXXX and AIXXXXX from the National Institute of Child Health andHuman Development.

                                We thank Dr. Chester Waxman and Dr. Eileen Birdwell-O’Donnell forcritical review of this manuscript.

                                We thank Dr. David J. Brown for preliminary RNase H digestionexperiments.

                                Portions of this work were presented at the 19th InternationalComplement Workshop, September 22–26, 2002, Palermo, Italy.

                                8、參考文獻 (References)

                                在編寫SCI期刊醫(yī)學論文的參考文獻過程中,重點參考每種SCI期刊的作者信息(Information forauthor)或作者指南(Author Instructions)的介紹。參考文獻來源主要引用雜志、會議資料、出版書籍。


                                Poltorak, A., X. He, I. Smirnova, M. Y. Liu, C. van Huffel, X. Du,D. Birdwell, E. Alejos, M. Silva, C. Galanos 1998. Defective LPSsignaling in C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr mice: mutations in theTlr4 gene. Science 282:2085.  (From Journalof Immunology)

                                Goldblum SE, Brann TW, Ding X, Pugin J, and Tobias PS.Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein and soluble CD14 functionas accessory molecules for LPS-induced changes in endothelialbarrier function, in vitro. J Clin Invest. 1994; 93: 692-702. (FromBlood)


                                Schapira, M., Scott CF, and Colman RW. 2002 Contribution of plasmaprotease inhibitors to the inactivation of kallikrein in plasma.The 19th International Complement Workshop, Palermo, Italy.


                                Strobel HW, Hodgson AV, and Shen S 1995 NADPH cytochrome P450reductase and its structural and functional domains, in CytochromeP450: Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry (Ortiz de MontellanoPR ed) pp 225–244, Plenum Press, New York.

                                9、圖說明 (Figure Legends)

                                SCI期刊醫(yī)學論文的圖說明一般有一個小標題,按描述的具體內(nèi)容可再分小標題如A…, B…,C…。用非常簡潔、準確的完整句子或非完整句子描述圖代表的內(nèi)容和意義,并列出實驗方法。


                                FIGURE 6 The effect of recombinant truncated C1INH on LPSbinding.A, Recombinant truncated C1INH (50µg/ml) had greatly reduced binding to LPS (175 ng/ml) as assessedby ELISA. B, FITC-conjugated LPS (175 ng/ml)binding to RAW 264.7 macrophages was not inhibited with recombinanttruncated C1INH (50 µg/ml; LPS binding, thick line; control, shadedfield). C, LPS (10 and 20 µg) clearly altered theelectrophoretic mobility of recombinant full-length C1INH (40µg/ml) as measured by native PAGE/Western blot (lanes1 and 2). D, LPS (10 and 20 µg) did notchange the electrophoretic mobility of recombinant truncated C1INH(50 µg/ml) as detected by native PAGE/Western blot (lanes1 and 2).  (From Journal ofImmunology)


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