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                                IKA 古老儀器,品質(zhì)見證 - 召集“品質(zhì)見證人”

                                瀏覽次數(shù):3638 發(fā)布日期:2011-1-6  來源:IKA



                                作為IKA®的忠誠客戶的您,還擁有IKA® 的古老儀器嗎?若有,那您就有機會成為IKA®的“品質(zhì)見證人”。


                                1.  2001年1月1日以前購買IKA® 儀器,并至今仍能使用該儀器的客戶,均可報名參加,成為IKA® “品質(zhì)見證人”。

                                2.  凡使用IKA® 單臺儀器時間超過10年,而使用時間最長的5名“品質(zhì)見證人”,均可成為IKA® “品質(zhì)見證人”特別使者。

                                所使用的IKA® 古老儀器不限實驗室產(chǎn)品或分析儀器。


                                1.  “品質(zhì)見證人”:多名?色@得精美禮品和證書,可及時獲得IKA® 通訊

                                2.  “品質(zhì)見證人”特別使者:5名?色@得:a.精美禮品和證書,IKA® 通訊;b.可用現(xiàn)有古老儀器換取IKA® 關(guān)聯(lián)產(chǎn)品(換取產(chǎn)品待定);c.免費保修IKA® 儀器一年(2011年11月1日-2012年10月31日)

                                報名方式:登陸IKA® 中國官網(wǎng) http://www.ikaasia.com/心動促銷 報名;或電話咨詢IKA® 中國。




                                Dear IKA® customers,

                                IKA® just celebrated her 1st 100-year anniversary, and is now starting the 2nd 100-year Journey.  

                                As IKA® loyal customers, have you still any antique devices from IKA® ? If so, you would have the opportunity to become IKA® “Quality witness”!

                                Who can register:

                                1.Customers who purchased IKA® products before January 1, 2001 and are using these products daily can register to be an IKA® “Quality witness”!

                                2.Top five customers using an antique IKA® device over 10 years would become the Envoys of IKA® “ Quality witness”!

                                The above mentioned antique IKA® devices can be either laboratory products or analytical ones.


                                1.All registered “ Quality Witness” will receive gifts, IKA certificate and regular IKA® newsletters.

                                2.Five Envoys of IKA “ Quality Witness” will receive: a. gift, IKA certificate plus regular IKA®  newsletters;b. the right to exchange an IKA® antique device with nominated new products ( for more information about this please contact IKA® WORKS GUANGZHOU directly), and c. One year free service warranty (November 1, 2011 – October 31, 2012)

                                How to register:

                                Visit the official website of China www.ikaasia.com ; or call IKA® WORKS GUANGZHOU.

                                Valid Territory: Greater China; South Korea

                                Valid Period : from January 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011

                                用戶名: 密碼: 匿名 快速注冊 忘記密碼
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